Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Rothballer
Gabelsbergerstraße 8

92224 Amberg
Tel.: 0962133859


Mo - Fr 8.00 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr

Mo 14.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr

Die 14.00 Uhr bis 17.30 Uhr

Do 15.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr


Dr. Hans Rothballer
Dr. Hans Rothballer
  1. Hickel R., Manhart J: Longevity of restorations in posterior teeth and reasons for failure. J Adhes Dent 2001; 3:45-64
  2. Conrad HJ, Seong WJ, Pesun IJ: Current ceramic materials and systems with clinical recommandations: a systematic review. J Prosthet Dent Nov 2007; 98(5):389-404
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  9. The influence of cavity preparation design on fracture strength and mode of fracture of laboratory-processed composite resin restorations. J Prosthet Dent 2007;98-277-284
  10. Coelho-De-Souza FH et al: Fracture resistance and gap formaation of MOD restorations: influence of restorative technique, bevel preparation and water storage. Oper Dent 2008;33:37-43
  11. Francesco Mannocci, E. Bertelli: 3-year clinical comparison of survival of endodontically treated teeth restored with either full cast coverage or with direct composite restoration. Uni Siena
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